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PRwest, in association with Amazon Books, and Barnes and Noble Books offers the following books on Puerto Rico's Culture; over 500 years of Spanish and American history; Past and Current Economy, and its full Natural Beauty. These books are perfect for the Student, the Historian, and the Vacationer.
Please visit often. Additional titles on the History, Culture, and Cuisine of Puerto Rico will be added soon!!....
Frommer's Puerto Rico
Rewritten and completely updated with new maps, this guidebook offers readers the lowdown on the spectacular hotels, casinos, and salsa clubs of San Juan and the leading resort areas.
Price: $11.96 Order this book from Amazon Books
Puerto Rico: A Political & Cultural History
A book written by Dr. Arturo Morales Carrion and four collaborating authors. Brief review of pre-Columbian times and Spanish colonial rule. Most of the book is spent covering American territorial rule after the Spanish-American War and the Commonwealth years up to 1980. Discusses the events leading up to the establishment of self-government for Puerto Rico under the present Commonwealth, of which Dr. Morales was a founder and lifelong supporter.
Price: $15.75 Order this book from Barner & Noble Books
A Taste of Puerto Rico: Traditional & New Dishes from the Puerto Rican Community
Written by Yvonne Ortiz, a Puerto Rican native and French-trained chef. This book includes classic and regional specialties. The recipes in the book reflect Spanish and African influences, and contemporary dishes from Puerto Rican cooks on the mainland and the island, as well as her own concoctions. This book emphasizes Puerto Rican home-style cooking along with more sophisticated recipes. Highly recommended.
Price: $16.76 Order this book from Barner & Noble Books
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Portrait of America : Puerto Rico
An excellent 48 page overview of Puerto Rico's 500 year history and its present partnership with the United States as a US Commonwealth. Full of color photographs, historic dates, current state of affairs, and an analysis of its future.
Price: $4.76 Order this book from Amazon Books
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PUERTO RICO : An Island Christopher Columbus Discovered 500 Years Ago
This is a very detailed 103 page text on Puerto Rico's 500 year history. From Spanish conquest in the year 1493 to its present day relationship with the United States as a US Commonwealth. There is a good narrative on the original 'Taino' indians; the Spanish domination; black slavery; the Spanish-American war; and the resulting proud 'mestizos' that call themselves Puerto Ricans.
Price: $2.92 Order this book from Barnes and Noble Books
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This is much more than a guide book. It provides a good 274 page description of the history, art, language, music, and cuisine of Puerto Rico. Provides a run-down of the sights worth seeing, complete with detailed maps. Packed with information on travel, hotels, restaurants, museums, beaches, and other things to do.
Price: $18.36 Order this book from Barnes and Noble Books
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Fodor's : Pocket Puerto Rico A Highly Selective, Easy-toUse Guide
A handy 117 page guide to have around when traveling around the island. Contains information on Exploring, Shopping, Dining in Puerto Rico, along with additional narrative on Sports, Beaches, the Arts, and Nightlife. It even has a handy Spanish/English vocabulary section in the back.
Price: $6.80 Order this book from Barnes and Noble Books
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Adventure Guide to Puerto Rico
Get off the beaten path! Visit haunting Spanish ruins, rain forests, and the sweeping panoramas that are all part of Puerto Rico. This thoroughly updated guide covers all of these, plus full information on the little known parks, reserves, and offshore islands. The book covers accommodations, local transporation, dining for gourmets, and the best beaches and snorkeling spots. Includes maps and photos.
Price: $12.76 Order this book from Amazon Books
A Guide to the Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
This 220 page hardbound book describes over 273 species birds that live and nest in the largest of the Carribean islands (Puerto Rico) and the neighboring Virgin Islands. The book also substantially updates the data on avian distribution and abundance in the region covering records through November 1988. "This well-illustrated volume is a must for any student of birds visiting Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands."
Price: $38.50 Order this book from Barnes and Noble Books
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This 90 page book describes 22 popular dive spots around Puerto Rico including the islands of Vieques, Culebra, and Desecheo Island. It describes Cave Diving in the Northwest, and Wall Diving in the Southwest. Information on Depths, Visibility, Currents, Marine Life, and other topics of interest for each site is included.
Price: $11.96 Order this book from Amazon Books
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